paraphrase an sentence
and see if you can get
better for it. based off
the quality of the
sentence you can make
better simple past
perfect. let's use the
determiner it's. it's
not the same. simple past
perfect said what must
come before for make
the object more of an
determiner and not of
an tint. quality versus
quantity can be the next
wave of the century.
miss inside tint, the
determiner was an
paraphase on dual
syntax. invested inquiry
was an addon. seperation
of chuch and state
must remain critical
throughout denial of
service attack and
mitigation strategy
around brute force
stategy. like what
seemed like an video
game was an port
443 on some network. not
for be the benefit of the
doubt, an network.
must be far for interub.
you head toward
harrisburg, and then
toward philadelphia
you leave after two hour.
you come across
cleveland ohio where
you meet some juggalo
talk about an cigarette.
you leave, ohio and head
toward mcdonalds.
you will spend 15 minute
there where you can
meet some individual for
pennsylvania and smoke
weed. you go toward the
back of the lot. it is an
older generation where
you cut inside the line
and smoke for the
boundry curve c. you
get high and get
back for the bus.
you move for the back
of the bus and ask
the juggalo if you
can sit near the
back of the's
more quiet.
i smoke more weed
every mcdonalds for